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Tips for saving
(rebalancing) a marriage
Tips for saving (rebalancing) a marriage

Are all the cards in the tarot deck related to marriage? See below which are the most positive tarot cards (major arcana and minor arcana) in relation to marriage.

Arcanum III: The Empress – Indicates growth, willingness to unite and live together, conditions to nurture and maintain a relationship thinking about the future and longevity. The creativity that makes things happen with joy.

Arcanum IV: The Emperor – Indicates fulfillment and realization of what one desires. It is not about a loving intention, of passion, but about building a base and structure to maintain the relationship as one believes to be correct.

Arcanum XVII: The Star – Indicates satisfaction and fluidity towards a goal. The realization of something that satisfies and makes sense, trust in harmony and truth. It can suggest transparency and faith that everything will work out.

Arcanum XIX: The Sun – Indicates encounter, reciprocity, affectionate and true exchange. It allows a relationship to be egalitarian, for the people involved to get to know and accept each other, in addition to contributing to clarifying the issues surrounding the relationship.

Arcanum XXI – The World – Indicates conscious completion and fulfillment. It can suggest planned evolution and the ease of achieving what one believes in. Change for the better, a step forward and the tranquility of acting with maturity in relation to love.

2 of Cups – Indicates union, encounter and harmony. Two intentions, equally involved, with reciprocal feelings and similar desires. The pleasure of uniting two feelings and two equally true desires.

10 of Cups – Realization and implementation of what one desires. Plans and projects are carried out satisfactorily, generating prosperity and possibilities for future continuity.

Queen of Coins – The construction of something that one wants and believes in, with the aim of durability and stability. The possibility of maintaining a bond or a structure based on stability, with conditions for good maintenance.

King of Wands – The ability to do what is best in life, with maturity and generosity, accepting the opinions and wishes of others. The possibility of crowning what makes sense and living according to one’s own decisions.

Tarot cards can reveal problematic marriages, indicating little romantic compatibility, disharmony, lack of dialogue and understanding. See below which are the worst cards in the tarot deck for marriage:

Arcanum VI: The Lovers – Indicates indecision and ambiguity in a relationship.
There may be doubts about whether to continue with the marriage or other interests that infiltrate and destabilize the relationship.

Arcanum VIII: Justice – Indicates distance and distancing.
The possibility that the relationship has cooled significantly. It can also indicate the need to redefine the bond and no longer continue in the same way.

Arcanum XIII: Death – Indicates dissatisfaction, sadness and discomfort with the current situation. The desire to change and to make a break can generate radical, thoughtless and critical attitudes. It suggests lucidity to see and deal with problems.

Arcanum XVI: The Tower – Indicates the dissolution of important aspects of the relationship, which may suggest disappointment or discouragement. The need to sustain a structure that no longer provides happiness and desperate action.

2 of Swords – A disagreement that has no easy solution, a refusal to give in or accept the other person's issues. It suggests that one person constantly tries to impose themselves on the other, creating situations in which no one is satisfied.

5 of Cups – The insecurity that surrounds the relationship, which ends up generating instability in the relationship and shaking the structure that has been built. It can suggest a feeling of loss, lack of control and little room for growth in the relationship.

7 of Cups – The illusion of resolving issues that are unsolvable, the search for an unattainable ideal, the lack of clarity to open up to the other person and live what reality proposes.
It can be a phase of confusion and cloudiness for both.

8 of Swords – Mistakes and problems experienced, when not understood and acknowledged, dissolve any sentimental construction in a relationship.
A lack of sincerity, unresolved issues and crises generate emotional distance.

Which tarot cards can reveal the end of a marriage? (fights, conflicts, separations and divorce)

Arcanum VIII: Justice – Suggests the definition and redefinition that cuts and changes a situation.
The possibility that the feeling is no longer the same or has ended. The lack of empathy and the desire to stay together.

Arcanum XIII: Death – Indicates the desire to cut and end a situation due to dissatisfaction, discomfort and uneasiness. Disagreement, misunderstandings and impatience for reconstruction.
Chance to finish and seek renewal.

Arcanum XVI: The Tower – Indicates the dissolution of the structure or the foundation built.
The rupture of a bond due to disappointment or some complicated situation. It can suggest an unexpected action of fate that affects and shakes a relationship.

3 of Swords – Frustration and failure. A situation that has no way out and was created due to misunderstanding, bitterness and inflexibility. It suggests that the best way out is to give up, as it will alleviate excessive suffering and rigidity.

9 of Swords – irreparable loss, something that needs to end due to pain, suffering and the accumulation of losses over time. Inflexibility, difficulty in moving forward, which suggests a necessary end to the situation.

6 of Cups – An end that may have already happened and was not accepted or dealt with.
A look at the past that generates longing and makes the future seem impossible. The need to understand the past and the end in order to open new space towards the future.

Can tarot predict marriage?

Answer: It depends on the situation, because tarot is not a tool for certainties or guarantees, but rather allows for the analysis of possibilities and indicates probabilities. Below are the options to be considered:

Yes, tarot can predict marriage according to the reading performed and the situation analyzed. When a relationship has already been established, when there is a concrete issue, then some cards make it possible to analyze marriage.

No, tarot does not predict marriage when the issue is hypothetical, when there is not yet a relationship established or a concrete bond. Oracle practice with tarot requires the analysis of concrete and real situations so that one can access the possibilities, probabilities and estimates regarding what is being asked.