Free online cowrie shell divination for love and romantic relationships using 16 shells.
The method used in these queries is reading by odus. (Candomblé - Brazilian Santeria) Reading for your day, weekly and monthly forecast, reading - me and him, yes or no, future, fortune and luck for single and married people, questions and answers Free online cowrie shell divination for love and romantic relationships using 16 shells. The method used in these queries is reading by odus.
(Candomblé - Brazilian Santeria) Reading for your day, weekly and monthly forecast, reading - me and him, yes or no, future, fortune and luck for single and married people, questions and answers.
24/7 cowrie shell oracle online - Merindinlogun - Santeria - òrisà.
What is love cowrie shell reading?
Cowrie shell reading is an oracle that uses shells as a mystical tool to obtain answers and advice on intentions linked to the points of power in nature.
After being consecrated through magic rituals, the shells are thrown onto a sieve or board designed for this type of reading.
The reading is done according to the number of open cowrie shells (side mechanically opened by man) and closed cowrie shells (side opened by nature) and how they fall (the way they group together).
It can be said that cowrie shell reading is basically numerological, as it is directly linked to numbers (number of open and closed cowrie shells).
There are several ways to read cowrie shells, from reading 4 cowrie shells (Aláfia), the simplest form, used for confirmation, reading with 16 cowrie shells (merindilogun), the best known and most used, to reading 21 cowrie shells, the most complex. In a normal cowrie shell reading, the messages from the odus (destiny) and orishas
(African gods worshipped by reli gions of Yoruba origin) generally come according to the shells that fall. In a love cowrie shell reading, the priest/priestess (handler) focuses all interpretation of the shells that fall only on questions about love and relationships, making the reading more personalized to the client's romantic interests.
This is a very common reading, since most people who seek a cowrie shell reading are seeking answers and understanding about emotional issues that involve their lives.
Just like other oracles (I Ching, runes, tarot, gypsy decks), cowrie shells are not wrong.
Those who manipulate the cowrie shells can make mistakes, since making mistakes is human, and those who read the cowrie shells do so using their own knowledge, acquired over time as a spiritual priest.
It is important to understand that during the reading of cowrie shells there is no trance (mediumistic incorporation); the interpretation is made entirely based on the knowledge of the person reading the shells. In online cowrie shell readings, several factors can lead to errors, such as not knowing how to formulate the questions correctly, not being concentrated and focused on what you want to ask, being in an unfavorable environment (with noise/other people), can lead to inaccuracies and errors.
Doing consecutive readings, asking the same questions several times, which is very common in free online readings, seeking to obtain detailed answers that please, that is, seeking to achieve a positive response to your own interests, can lead to mental confusion; avoid trying to deceive yourself.
What is the purpose of reading love cowrie shells?
Reading cowrie shells can provide good insights, capable of helping you improve your relationship, showing strategies that you can adopt to achieve a more balanced and functional partnership. For single people, cowrie shells can reveal patterns of behavior that may be making it difficult for you to maintain a lasting relationship or find the ideal partner. Find out if there is something blocking your path to love, find your perfect match (soulmate), overcome traumas, fights, breakups, see if an ex will come back, if it is possible to reconcile with your great love, what kind of feelings your partner has for you. Is he my love? Does he want me? Does he desire me.
Cowrie shell reading always has the right answers to your questions about love.
What does a love shell reading reveal?
There is nothing that a shell reading cannot reveal, but each spread addresses a specific theme, for example:
Day shell reading: Reveals the vibration and type of energy that tends to predominate in the space of 24 consecutive hours. Learn how to extract the maximum benefits that a day can provide you emotionally.
Love future reading: Reveals your destiny on the emotional plane. The shells show where your life is heading, allowing you to make adjustments so that in the future events are aligned with your goals.
Reconciliation shell reading: Reveals whether or not there is a possibility of two people rekindling a relationship. Will he come back? Will you reconcile with your ex (boyfriend/lover/husband/wife)? Reading the shells will show what is in favor and what is against the return of this partnership.
Betrayal shell reading: Reveals whether infidelity is happening in your relationship. A game for moments of mistrust and not to be used randomly. For this type of reading, it is necessary to follow the preparation procedure before the game to the letter, so that inaccuracies do not occur.
Reading of cowrie shells about pregnancy: Reveals the possibility of a person being pregnant (whether or not they are in a favorable period for this process/pregnancy) and the possible sex of the baby, not replacing any laboratory test or medical consultation.
Reading of cowrie shells for love advice: Reveals ways for you to advance in your life journey, allowing you to have a deeper understanding of what is happening in your love life. Encourages, guides and directs you in transition processes. Strengthens you, so that you can make the best choices.
Reading of cowrie shells for relationships: Reveals the dynamics of the love relationship. How is the energy flowing between you and your partner? See how to improve the relationship with the one you love.
Reading cowrie shells questions and answers: Reveals answers and guidance for specific, pre-prepared questions, which makes it easier to obtain greater assertiveness, since you do not need to worry about preparing a correct question, just be focused on what involves your question (names of people, situations, date of birth, photos, images). Spread for you to ask love questions about a specific person (boyfriend/lover/husband/wife/crush)
Who can read cowrie shells?
It is said that cowrie shells can be read by people initiated in religions of Yoruba origin, after going through the entire development process, until reaching the position of priest. However, this does not mean that every priest "knows" how to read cowrie shells correctly, having total mastery over this divinatory art, because to learn how to do the reading it takes time, dedication, research, study and mainly "gift". In the past, it was said: So-and-so has a hand of cowrie shells. They meant that the person had a special talent for this type of oracular practice.
What to ask in a love shell reading? How to ask the questions?
There is no subject that should not be asked, any type of doubt can be asked to the oracle. The most important thing is to know how to ask. The questions should be short, objective and to the point (focused on a single issue). Avoid starting questions with: Where? How? Will it be? Why? because they do not usually work very well with shells. Names of people/places and very distant futures should not be part of questions.
Example: What is the name of the person I will marry? If you are dating and your boyfriend's name is José Carlos, you can ask: I (say your full baptismal name) will marry (say his full name and date of birth)?
Another example of what not to ask: Where will I meet a boyfriend? Preferably: Will I meet a boyfriend soon? Is there someone in my love life? Will I be dating soon?
Knowing how to ask the right questions in an online cowrie shell reading is essential in order to obtain reliable answers.
Do online cowrie shell readings work? Do they work? Do they get it right?
Many people doubt that cowrie shells can be read over the phone, cell phone, chat or any other electronic means.
Nowadays, it is very common to seek psychic services/fortune-telling through remote communication systems.
With the advancement of technology, face-to-face consultations have given way to virtual consultations.
What people forget is that energy has no barriers and oracles are capable of capturing vibrations through various types of connection, which makes online readings completely possible, as long as the professional providing this type of service is prepared (knowledgeable) to do so.