Reconciliation tarot is a type of love reading that is very common in psychic readings with tarot readers and fortune tellers.
After a heartbreak or a breakup (fight/disaffection/divorce), it is common for people to seek help to better deal with their emotions, since overcoming difficult endings requires time, effort and a lot of analysis. Performing a love reading at these times can help you see obscure facts, bringing greater clarity about the real situation of this relationship.
Many do not know what to do after an argument, are afraid of acting, what to say, what to do, and the cards or other oracles can advise and guide you in the right direction.
To this end, the TAROT OF LOVE website has created a series of spreads with previously prepared questions that you can use to find out about a specific person
(boyfriend, husband, wife, lover or even a crush) so that you can get guidance on reconciliation, overcoming challenges, crises, how to get your soulmate back, find out what this person is thinking, whether they still love you, whether it is possible to save this relationship or not. Here on the website you do not need to understand anything about divinatory arts, as our experts have already done all the interpretation, you just need to focus on what you want to ask.
Do you need answers about your relationship/dating/marriage? Do you have questions about how to deal with a certain love situation or with a partner? Do you want guidance for your current love situation? Making a relationship work is something that requires constant effort and investment, but we cannot always find the right path, and performing a psychic reading about love can help us gain insights, putting us back on the ideal path. Before starting your love reading, find a quiet place where nothing can influence your concentration.
Close your eyes and breathe in and out several times, trying to relax your body and mind.
Meditate for a few minutes on everything that is currently happening in y our relationship, see which spread is most associated with your doubt and start your reading.
Concentrate well, say the person's baptismal name (maiden name) and date of birth so that the vibration is stronger.
Example: If your name is Joanne Lucy Philips and your date of birth is 08/08/1989 and your partner's name is: Louis Stephan and his date of birth is 23/06/1988 and the question is: Will he forgive me?, ask it like this:
Will Louis Stephan born on 23/06/1988 forgive me? Will Louis Stephan born on 23/06/1988 forgive Joanne Lucy Philips? Visualizing this person as if you were seeing him or her in front of you.
If you are very anxious, nervous or have just experienced a stressful situation, leave your reading for another time, as these vibrations may interfere with the result of the reading. Please note that this tarot reading does not prevent, suspend or replace a medical, psychological or therapeutic consultation.
Will you and your ex reconcile? Is there a possibility of getting back together? Has your ex regretted or will he/she regret breaking up with you? Find out if your ex can return to your love life.
The tarot cards reveal powerful insights, provide advice and guidance so that you can reconnect with your ex.
Understand what needs to be resolved, overcome, and healed so that the relationship can be rebalanced again.
Are there still genuine feelings, because he/she has moved away? Understand the real reasons that led to the end of the relationship.
Here you will find readings with objective/specific questions and answers, already prepared and answered by tarot readers who are experts in the topic of reconciliation.
The questions are suitable for all genders and situations (ex-boyfriend/ex-husband/ex-wife/ex-lover/ex-partner).
Can tarot cards predict reconciliation ?
Tarot cards can indeed predict whether or not a romantic reconciliation between two people is possible and what needs to be done or even avoided for this to happen.
Here you will find spreads that analyze whether he (she) will come back, whether he (she) will forgive, whether he (she) is afraid of losing you and even what to do to regain his (her) trust.
What tarot card means reconciliation ?
There are several tarot cards that indicate the possibility of reconciliation, from cards that suggest little chance to cards that indicate absolute success.
To do this, it is necessary to analyze each case individually, as a reconciliation process involves several aspects.
A card that can guarantee reconciliation for one person may not indicate the same for another, which is why the tarot reading must be done by a specialist in this type of oracle, so that he or she can analyze the situation in a very broad way.
Can tarot predict breakup ?
Yes, the tarot can predict a broken heart, several cards indicate problems, challenges, cuts, adversities, betrayals and lies, facts that can shake a relationship, leading it to an end.
Should you pull a tarot card daily ?
Yes, you can pull a tarot card every day, as long as you use a spread for this purpose (daily reading), but you cannot use a spread like: Will he come back? every day, as it is unlikely that there will be any major changes from one day to the next.
Avoid asking the same question too often, so that you do not become more confused.
Try to use different spreads and accept the oracle's answer, even if it was unfavorable to your personal interests.
Don't try to deceive yourself!
What tarot cards indicate divorce ?
Several tarot cards can indicate divorce.
To answer this question, you need to have a lot of knowledge about the meaning of each card, both in its upright and inverted position. The three of swords is a card that can indicate separation, but the tower and justice cards together can also indicate the same.?
What are the best tarot cards (major and minor arcana) for romantic reconciliation ?
The best tarot cards for romantic reconciliation should take into account the combination of material, mental and sentimental planes. It is not enough to want to reconcile, there must be a possibility for this (material) and also sufficient feeling. Relationships involve more aspects than just sentimental, precisely because they carry the intention (mental) and also because they need space and real conditions to be developed (material).
There are several stages of reconciliation, as the situation often requires more materiality, other times it calls for more affection or even attitude.
Thus, each card carries its specific symbolism and determines the level of reconciliation possible in that issue analyzed.
Below are the major and minor arcana that can present a chance for emotional reconciliation, both in normal and inverted positions.
Normal position
Magician – The Magician card indicates the possibility of reconciliation, as it is an arcana that talks about beginnings, investment and the intention to start something that interests you. Therefore, in your love life, it can point to a new beginning or even a fresh start that carries with it energy, vitality, good intentions and broader horizons. Empress – The Empress card favors the loving aspect, as it allows growth, development, and adds creativity and flexibility when adaptation is necessary.
Therefore, it is a card that points to the chance of reconciliation, after all, in addition to having feelings, there is an involvement of familiarity and joy that helps any couple to reconcile and be together again.
The High Priestess – The High Priestess card points to stability, partnership and companionship, which is why it favors reconciliation since it brings to light the true values of the relationship, refers to loyalty and coherence in relation to what one feels about the situation. It provides structure, reinforces friendship and opens space for trustworthy emotional progress.
Strength – The Strength card indicates solidity and consistency in love, which is why it tends to show chances of reconciliation since there is feeling and there is responsibility through commitments of any kind. Therefore, it is an arcane that carries with it structure, security and the ability to overcome problems to achieve what one wants in a mature way.
Temperance – The Temperance card favors reconciliation because it is an arcane of consideration, compromise, and it also pacifies problems of any kind.
However, this card favors long-term reconciliations, that is, it shows that it will take a long time for everything to settle down as it really should. It favors peace and understanding, but requires long terms and patience in this reconciliation.
Star – The Star card indicates transparency and harmony, which are favorable elements in romantic reconciliations. In addition, this arcane tends to demonstrate what it feels and invest in what it believes in. Therefore, if the consultant wants reconciliation and believes in the relationship being analyzed, they will have a chance to achieve what they really want.
Sun – The Sun card represents exchange and reciprocity. Therefore, in a relationship where both people are involved and interested, the chance of reconciliation becomes quite possible. This arcane creates space for knowing both the opportunities and the limits, thus favoring understanding and achieving reconciliation through clarification and truth.
World – The World card represents evolution. Therefore, it can represent an involvement that ends to begin on another level or in another way. Here, reconciliation takes on the appearance of evolution, of a return with new parameters or a new status in the relationship. The tendency is for the analyzed involvement to improve, enhance and change in a beneficial way.
2 of Cups – The 2 of Cups card is an indication of union, harmony and understanding.
Therefore, in an emotional theme, it can indicate reconciliation or the desire to reconcile. In addition, this arcane points to the present feeling that allows for involvement and the creation of a true bond or connection between two people.
There is an interest in reconciliation or a desire to find emotional stability/solution in the situation.
3 of Cups – The 3 of Cups card indicates celebration. Therefore, when there is interest, it is a card that points to the chance of involvement. When there is conflict or distance, it is a card that points to reconciliation. In this arcane, there is affection, the awareness of this affection and the desire to create a bond that represents happiness and also the commitment to what one feels.
9 of Cups – The 9 of Cups card indicates conscious and satisfactory involvement, so it can mean reconciliation in cases where there is estrangement or conflict between two people. The desire to be together and genuine feelings move this arcane, creating space to seek satisfaction and the realization of true emotion.
10 of Cups – The 10 of Cups card is emotionally fulfilling and satisfying. Therefore, it concludes a cycle and allows for conscious reconciliation when experiencing a difficult, conflicting or even challenging phase in love. This arcane card carries the condition of fulfilling and concretizing feelings, increasing the chances of solving problems and putting true satisfaction first.
Page of Cups – The Page of Cups card represents investment and a constructive vision in love life. Therefore, it can mean the chance for reconciliation, as there are good intentions and there is energy for improvement involved in the matter. With this arcane, it is difficult for a couple to stay apart, as what exists above all is the will to bet and to continue believing in love.
3 of Wands – The 3 of Wands card indicates negotiation, exchange and barter in any situation. In a love situation, it can be the condition of openness that favors understanding or adjustment between two people. Therefore, the 3 of Wands provides space to build or resolve problems in the search for improvements, understanding and appeasement of problems.
Reversed position
High Priestess – The High Priestess card reversed shows openness and space to resolve love issues. In the upright position, this card holds back and closes itself off, making any possibility of resolution difficult. However, when reversed, it uses its experience and perception to seek unity and continuity of something in which one truly believes.
Emperor – The Emperor card reversed favors the realization of something that is desired by mutual agreement. This card in the upright position represents structure and achievement, but it does not consider the other person or the emotional meaning of a relationship. However, in reverse, it takes on a more generous air and is able to achieve what it desires, knowing that in love, adjustments and agreements are the best path.
Justice – The Justice card reversed indicates a tendency for true and positive adjustment. In the upright position, this card creates excessive rationality, impartiality and distances itself from the issue, avoiding involvement. In the inverted position, tolerance and understanding are gained, and involvement is prioritized in order to find a legitimate and true solution. Therefore, this card shows that if there is feeling, there will be justice and a chance for romantic reconciliation.
Hermit – The Hermit card carries slowness and difficulties, but when in the inverted position, it greatly favors events. It maintains experience, maintains perseverance and does not show so many problems and obstacles along the way. Therefore, inverted, this card favors reconciliation and opens paths without creating insurmountable challenges in love.
Hanged Man – The Hanged Man card inverted opens space for something desired to be accomplished. In the upright position, this card stagnates and lacks the energy to achieve. However, when inverted, it gains the inner strength to act confident that reconciliation is a way to relive the past that it cherishes so much with an innovative air and new opportunities.
Death – The Death card inverted transforms the search for improvements without, however, creating distance. In the upright position, this card distances itself and becomes skeptical about love. However, when reversed, it transforms into a search for genuine happiness, so if happiness is in a conflicting relationship, Death seeks to change in order to maintain faith in that which can offer future satisfaction.
Tower – The reversed Tower card indicates the chance to rebuild something that was unexpectedly destroyed or broken. Normally, this card points to the rupture and dissolution of something that does not have a firm foundation. However, when reversed, it gives the chance to start over from the loss, abandonment and reform on the emotional basis. It is a card that shows that reconciliation happens after major changes.
Moon – The reversed Moon card clarifies the situation and allows for a future path for the relationship being analyzed. In the normal position, this card shows confusion, nebulousness and passionate involvement that greatly distorts the daily life of love. However, when reversed, the Moon provides the conditions to see the problems and alleviate the pain, leaving an opportunity for a more conscious and coherent reconciliation in love.
4 of Cups – The 4 of Cups card inverted represents security and the desire to fix something that was not going well before. Therefore, it is a card that favors reconciliation and gives space to rebuild insecure or problematic relationships. In its normal position, it is a card of fear and apprehension, but inverted, the 4 of Cups gains strength to believe in what you feel and invest in the return and emotional reconciliation.
4 of Cups – The 4 of Cups card inverted represents security and the desire to fix something that was not going well before. Therefore, it is a card that favors reconciliation and provides space to rebuild insecure or problematic relationships. In its normal position, it is a card of fear and apprehension, but inverted, the 4 of Cups gains the strength to believe in what you feel and invest in the return and emotional reconciliation.
5 of Cups – The 5 of Cups card inverted indicates the possibility of reversing the emotional situation. This means that, even if there are problems, there are also alternatives to change the situation and start over. In its normal position, the 5 of Cups shows the loss of trust and loving energy that end or break relationships. However, inverted, this card gives the chance to see the situation in time and seek a favorable path to start over.
6 of Cups – The 6 of Cups card inverted points to the possible return of a past that generates longing and nostalgia. In its upright position, this card shows longing and the time that will never come back. Inverted, the 6 of Cups shows the longing that drives love life and allows for a return or reconciliation by rescuing something that is worthwhile and has room to be rebuilt.
7 of Cups – The 7 of Cups card inverted removes fantasy and illusion, putting feelings first without losing the ability to deal with the losses and gains that involve the relationship. Therefore, instead of expecting the impossible, in the 7 of Cups inverted the client adapts to reality and fights for what they believe in, cultivating effective reconciliation and paving the way for a happier future.
8 of Cups – The 8 of Cups card inverted allows the client to rescue in time what was practically lost. In its upright position, the 8 of Cups changes in an undesirable way, as many mistakes have become practical obstacles to happiness. However, inverted, this card has a chance to reverse and use its mistakes as a way of not repeating problems. Awareness helps to grow and reconcile affection in time.
Knight of Cups – The Knight of Cups card does not create effective relationships in its normal position, precisely because it is a card of constant search for the ideal and perfect love that never materializes. Here, inverted, the card gains an air of power and can direct your reality towards a return or even a new construction where promises gain space to be fulfilled.
Which tarot cards indicate complicated love relationships ?
At some point or moment in a person's love life, relationships become complicated. Therefore, there is no need to be afraid or apprehensive about tarot cards that represent emotional/love complexity because they will come out at some point and must be faced as something that is part of the process of life and love. There are many elements that cause (or worsen) emotional crises, such as material life (finances, work) or mental plane (thoughts and concepts) as well as sentimental (affections that change). Therefore, it is essential to analyze the three planes to get an idea of the complexity that the card presents in the relationship, in addition to being able to help understand the reason why that problem is occurring. Below are the tarot cards that indicate complicated love relationships or even the difficult phase that the couple may be facing. Major and minor arcana will be proposed, in normal or inverted position.
Normal position
High Priestess – The High Priestess card makes relationships difficult because it creates problems where none exist, complicates the emotional sector, which is very sensitive, and does not allow for interaction/clarification. Therefore, the love relationship symbolized by the High Priestess is very secretive, very needy, and rarely flows smoothly because there is no transparency to encourage emotional spontaneity.
The Lovers – Lovers card indicates a complicated love relationship because it introduces indecision and hesitation into the couple's path. In other words, there is hesitation in moving forward, indecision regarding attitudes or even the future of the relationship itself, as well as an immature way of showing what one thinks. Therefore, the relationship becomes complicated due to the lack of preparation to deal with practical issues of affection.
Justice – The Justice card, by nature, represents coldness and distance. In this way, it introduces intolerance and impatience into the relationship, elements that make any love situation very difficult. Furthermore, it is a card that rationalizes situations and does not carry with it the ability to find a middle ground in everyday emotional life. These aspects create difficult and complicated relationships in which to cultivate love and unity.
Hermit – The Hermit card represents constant obstacles, exacerbated individuality and a tendency towards isolation. Therefore, in a relationship, it hinders dialogue and can make it difficult to develop any bond. Therefore, if there is a well-established relationship, this card tends to keep it as it is. However, if it is a recent relationship or one with problems, it is a card that generates slowness and obstacles in finding solutions.
Wheel of Fortune – The Wheel of Fortune card represents transitions, ups and downs, and shows fleeting affections. Therefore, in a relationship it can indicate problems that cannot be resolved, volatile feelings, and people who are not sure where they want to take the situation. Relationships symbolized by this card usually show instability, uncertainty and difficulty in finding emotional fulfillment.
The Hanged Man – The Hanged Man card represents stagnation in the relationship. Therefore, it is a card that makes relationships difficult and complicated, as it introduces past elements into the relationship or may indicate that one of the people in the relationship is not happy in that relationship and idealizes another (already experienced or idealized for the future). Therefore, it is a card that indicates a complicated and unsatisfactory romantic relationship.
Death – The Death card represents the end of a relationship or the nostalgia that generates emotional unhappiness. Therefore, it tends to symbolize a complicated romantic relationship, where the intention or desire is to experience something else or to be happy again. This arcane carries with it skepticism, sadness and materially seeks to change reality so that a new moment can be realized.
Tower – The Tower card represents a complicated romantic relationship because it denotes a broken or unstable foundation, the disappointment that involves two people due to uncomfortable circumstances, the possible breakup or even the constant fear of experiencing the dissolution of the relationship. Therefore, it is an arcane that requires attention to the relationship and can add complexity to the emotional reading.
Moon – The Moon card represents a complicated romantic relationship because it carries with it material instability, as well as mental confusion and hazy feelings. It is an arcane that generates fear, distrust, passion and does not allow for the establishment of a firm and secure relationship between two people. The Moon symbolizes the need to mature and review the romantic relationship.
2 of Swords – The 2 of Swords card represents an insurmountable obstacle. Although it is the suit of Swords in a love theme, here it is about a relationship/interaction that does not flow and does not develop because the two people position themselves in antagonistic ways. Conflict and inflexibility on both sides simply make it impossible to achieve peace in love.
7 of Swords – The 7 of Swords card indicates a unilateral, individualistic and immature attitude in the relationship. This arcane usually generates energy of distrust, lack of commitment and even disloyalty. It is important to review the bond and the goals of the relationship to avoid future disappointments or betrayals.
8 of Swords – The 8 of Swords card indicates an illicit relationship. In other words, it is possible that the relationship carries with it a lot of error, deception, mystery and dissimulation. It is essential to have more transparency and for both sides of the relationship to be flexible, otherwise it will not be possible to overcome all the problems or unresolved issues that involve the issue.
7 of Cups – The 7 of Cups card presents illusion and fantasy, therefore, it generates negative energy in the relationship from the moment in which something is expected from this involvement that it cannot offer. It is necessary to look at affection with realism and leave aside vain expectations that only get in the way and make happiness in love impossible.
Knight of Cups – The Knight of Cups card is a dubious card, because it offers love and involvement, but usually shows that nothing will be achieved over time. In other words, there is affection, there is feeling, but there are no conditions or maturity for the relationship to last and have a future. Therefore, it is a card of deception and false promises, creating expectations that will not be fulfilled.
Queen of Cups – The Queen of Cups card indicates dissimulation and a hidden, passive affectionate attitude, which does not show what one really feels. Therefore, it is a card that complicates romantic relationships, because where there is a Queen of Cups, there will be secrecy, mystery or undisclosed elements that can create instability and fear in the relationship.
Reversed position
Reversed Empress – The reversed Empress arcana shows the blockage of development and the difficulty in finding transparency or flexibility in the relationship. Any relationship that does not allow truth and flexibility tends to encounter insurmountable barriers over time. A relationship is about giving in occasionally for the sake of the health of love, but in this card, there is no flexibility to move forward.
Reversed High Priestess – The reversed Pope arcana shows the lack of truth and loyalty in the relationship. Therefore, this card presents the picture of a complicated relationship, where there is no loyalty, there is no sincerity and stability may leave something to be desired. Thus, a relationship that lacks foundation, clarity and sharing tends to encounter problems along the way.
Inverted Strength – The inverted Strength card removes the symbolized security and shows an emotional path with fears and distrust that can corrode the relationship over time. Therefore, inverted Strength sows discord, deceit and the tendency to gradually dissolve everything that is built in the analyzed relationship.
Inverted Star – The inverted Star card presents the lack of clarity and harmony that allow a relationship to move forward or flow spontaneously. Therefore, this card indicates a complicated relationship, asking for more involvement, more commitment and the creation of favorable perspectives in order to avoid separation or emotional disappointment in the future.
Inverted Sun – The inverted Sun card represents the absence of brilliance and reciprocity. Therefore, it is a card that indicates a complicated romantic relationship, after all, where there is no exchange and where there is no space for feelings to shine and blossom, there will hardly be happiness. The inverted Sun creates a relationship where there is a lot of individualism and little empathy between the two people involved.
Reversed Ace of Cups – The reversed Ace of Cups arcana represents scarcity, lack of commitment and restricted affection. Therefore, it is a card that indicates a complicated romantic relationship, as it does not develop affection, nor does it allow people to find a space to overflow their emotions. The reversed Ace of Cups is a feeling that does not seem sufficient and does not leave room for growth in the future.
Reversed 2 of Cups – The reversed 2 of Cups arcana restricts involvement and distances the people involved. In other words, it is a card that carries with it little emotional harmony, leaving much to be desired in the availability of both parties. A relationship that does not allow for exchange and reciprocity in the simplest moments will hardly have the structure and foundation to withstand more demanding moments that will be part of the relationship in the future.
Reversed 3 of Cups – The reversed 3 of Cups arcana represents a lack of joy in love. There is no point in being with someone or winning over the person you desire if there is no exchange, joy, lightness and positive energy. Therefore, this card indicates a complicated relationship, because even if you are together, there will be a lack of happiness, lightness and harmony between the two people.
9 of Cups reversed – The 9 of Cups card reversed removes the possibility of emotional fulfillment in the situation analyzed. In other words, it is a card that restricts emotional fulfillment and advises the client to rethink what they want to achieve with this relationship. There is a lack of fulfillment, there will be a lack of satisfaction and affection tends to show restrictions or barriers to developing over time.
10 of Cups – The 10 of Cups card reversed shows the difficulty in building good things within the relationship. This reversed card carries restrictions, problems in achieving what one practically wants as well as little satisfaction. Therefore, it is a card that indicates a complicated relationship, since it provides few elements for the couple to build, flourish and achieve what they want in their love life.
Page of Cups – The reversed Page of Cups card shows a lack of investment and a scattered view of one’s love life. In other words, there is no involvement, no focus, and no investment in love. This way, the tendency is for the relationship to become unmotivated and without fertile ground to move forward. The reversed Page of Cups reverses construction and investment, hindering good intentions and emotional growth.
What questions should I ask a tarot reader/psychic reader about reconciliation?
Does my ex think about me?
Why is our relationship over?
Is there still time for my ex and I to reconcile?
Will my ex come back?
Will he forgive me?
How can I make up with my boyfriend?
Should I give up on him?
Will I have another chance with him?
How can I get over a betrayal?
How can I get my ex back?
Is he/she afraid of losing me?
Will I reconcile with my ex?
Will we meet again?
Will he/she talk to me?
Is our relationship over for good or will we have another chance?
Does my ex still want me?
Does my ex still love me?
These are the most common questions about reconciliation in love readings with psychics.